Every month will have a new book recommendation for you to read as a family. One copy will be available to borrow from the church or you can click the link to the website for ordering information.
August Book Recommendation
Binkle’s Time to Fly is about a butterfly born with damaged wings, but with the support of his friends and a little creativity, he discovers there’s more than one way to fly. Access two fun activities inspired by the book below. Learn how to create a paper butterfly inspired by the main character Binkle with our easy-to-follow origami instructions. Click the image below to download a printable PDF that includes instructions on how to fold an origami butterfly. Click the image below to download a printable coloring sheet of our favorite butterfly, Binkle! https://www.flyawaybooks.com/binkles-time-to-fly
Check back here for a new devotional for the Youth
*From Download Youth Ministry/Practical Prayer; written by Taylor Bird
Adult Book Study "Brave Enough"
Below is a preview of the Book Study that will start the first week of August. The video will be posted online for you to watch at your convenience ahead of our Zoom video conf./phone-in discussion time. Email Cyndi Chamberlin to get your study worksheet. Books may also be ordered online.