Safety Practices for Worship and Sunday School
On June 21, First Church plans to resume in-person worship at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary and Sunday school at 9:15 in Westminster Hall, in keeping with Jackson County’s guidelines for in-person gatherings and those of KCMO as follows:
- Everyone is asked to maintain social distancing and safe hygiene and wellness practices.
- Those who have tested positive for COVID-19 or been exposed to someone who has tested positive are asked to not attend for at least 14 day.
- We appreciate that some will not be comfortable returning at this time. Those not in attendance can watch a livestream of the service on YouTube, where archived services can also be found. For those not online, a copy of the bulletin and printouts of the sermon may be requested and mailed from the church office.
- Fellowship Time will be phased in at a later date.
- Face masks are required per Jackson County order, with the KCMO exceptions for health and ability. Ushers will have masks for everyone who needs one.
- Doors will remain open to the buildings and sanctuary.
- Bulletins will be sent via email for those who can print at home or view on handhelds, with printed bulletins distributed as needed by gloved ushers.
- Seating will be from the front to the back and dismissal from back to front, with individuals and family groups sitting six feet apart every other pew and children staying with their family group.
- We will remove pew pads from every other row and provide seating in the Parlour with the pocket doors raised.
- Attendance will be taken by ushers using membership lists and, for those not listed or checked off, slips of paper in the pews to be filled out and placed in the collection plates (passed using the wooden poles).
- No congregational singing initially (because that increases distancing requirements).
- If possible, Plexiglas in front of the pulpit, though the distance is considered safe.
- Suspension of in-person Communion for at least July 5.
- Nursery service is provided for members and those known to the church, with temperature checks for staff and children, frequent hand sanitizing for staff, masks for staff and anyone entering the nursery and parents of children who can wear masks encouraged to use them for their children, shoes taken off at the door (since children touch the floor so much), drop off and pick up outside the door, surfaces and toys sanitized after each use, only essential visitors (like a parent or grandparent), and social distancing whenever possible.
- In addition to organ and piano pieces, music will be provided by our Summer Music performers and a soloist when possible leading us in hymns and praise songs that include clapping, actions and other congregational participation.
A Message From Our Pastor
As we contemplated resuming in-person worship on June 21 (health and safety guidelines allowing), I remained mindful that this is a scary prospect for all of us. But that doesn’t mean it’s not the right thing to do. It’s just scary, and it would be scary no matter when we start back. I’m also mindful that some folks may not be comfortable starting back, and that’s OK. We will be live streaming the worship service on our YouTube channel.
For those who do come to church our first Sunday back, please know that your Session, Trustees, Deacons and Staff have your best interest in mind and are working to provide a safe and uplifting worship and Sunday school experience. I hope the safety practices detailed above allow you to take comfort in the thought and planning that’s been done.
Thank you all for continuing to support the church – for being the church – through your steadfast faithfulness as expressed in so many ways – cards and calls to each other, offering checks to the church, Zoom worship or finding an alternative (a temporary alternative!) for Sunday, Zoom LOGOS on Wednesdays, committee and volunteer work, prayers and well wishes. I can’t wait for all of us to be back together again!
That said, I know this will not be the last time we have to make adjustments and hang together through things beyond our control. Nor is it the first. We’ve been through a lot as a family of faith over the years. And God has seen us through it all. So rest assurance, God will see us through this, too.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dave
For those who do come to church our first Sunday back, please know that your Session, Trustees, Deacons and Staff have your best interest in mind and are working to provide a safe and uplifting worship and Sunday school experience. I hope the safety practices detailed above allow you to take comfort in the thought and planning that’s been done.
Thank you all for continuing to support the church – for being the church – through your steadfast faithfulness as expressed in so many ways – cards and calls to each other, offering checks to the church, Zoom worship or finding an alternative (a temporary alternative!) for Sunday, Zoom LOGOS on Wednesdays, committee and volunteer work, prayers and well wishes. I can’t wait for all of us to be back together again!
That said, I know this will not be the last time we have to make adjustments and hang together through things beyond our control. Nor is it the first. We’ve been through a lot as a family of faith over the years. And God has seen us through it all. So rest assurance, God will see us through this, too.
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dave